This extra easy, ultra-creamy, super cheesy homemade mac and cheese is made on the stovetop in two simple steps and takes less than 15 minutes to make. It’s a classic your whole family will love. No matter how old you are, you’re never too old for mac and cheese. It’s the ultimate comfort food. Like every kid, it was a favorite lunch and dinner growing up, especially if it had sliced hot dogs in it. Now as an adult, it’s one of the most nostalgic dishes, right up there with my Mom’s spaghetti, sloppy Joes, and tuna noodle casserole, conjuring happy memories from my childhood. And while I love making a batch of my BEST baked homemade mac and cheese for special occasions when feeding a crowd (like Thanksgiving or Christmas), this easy stovetop macaroni and cheese is my go-to for a quick dinner, and here’s why:
- É feito com ingredientes na despensa, mas já não da caixa azul.
- É tudo queijo verdadeiro.
- Raios, até saltamos a drenagem da massa.
It’s the easiest, creamiest, cheesiest mac and cheese you’ll ever make.
O que há neste Fogão Cremoso Mac e Queijo
The list of ingredients in this mac and cheese is basic, but there are two ingredients that really lend the most to its creamy success: Evaporated milk and American cheese. Yep, adding those two processed but real foods make this meal the cheesiest, and creamy even as it cools to room temperature.
- Pequenos macarrão como cotovelos, espirais, rotini, ou conchas
- Manteiga
- Leite evaporado
- Água
- Sal Kosher (se quiser, pode adicionar pimenta também)
- Mostarda moída / pó de mostarda
- Pó de alho (opcional)
- Queijo americano… Adoro este queijo da velha guarda por como
- Queijo cheddar suave (se quiser, pode usar cheddar afiado)
Por que usar leite evaporado em Mac e Queijo?
Regular macaroni and cheese is typically made with fresh milk, but I actually prefer using evaporated milk. Evaporated milk is real cow’s milk that’s been cooked down so some of the water content evaporates, creating a shelf-stable, always-at-the-ready ingredient. I always have a stash on hand in my pantry, for mac and cheese, and those times I run out of milk for my coffee. It’s a good sub. It’s concentrated and has a slightly heavier taste than fresh milk. In macaroni and cheese, evaporated milk keeps the cheese from breaking and becoming either chalky or greasy because there’s less moisture to contend with. O que usar em vez do leite evaporado. To make your own evaporated milk, simmer 2 1/4 cups of regular milk down to 1 cup. Or replace it with 3/4 cup whole milk and 1/4 cup half-and-half or cream.
O que 2 Queijos fazem Mac e Queijo
In this recipe, we’re cooking from scratch to match the flavor and taste of the boxed version of macaroni and cheese so choosing milder cheeses works best (just don’t use mozzarella, as it doesn’t lend enough flavor). I use two kinds of cheese for this recipe, with each contributing its own merits to make mac and cheese that is smooth and lush but not overly cloying.
- Queijo Cheddar. Escolha um bloco de queijo cheddar suave ou médio para o sabor e não se esqueça de o triturar você mesmo (derreterá muito melhor do que o queijo pré-triturado)
- Queijo americano. O queijo americano é o que dá a este macarrão e queijo o factor cremoso extra. Eu recebo-o da mercearia Smith’s onde seis fatias funcionam bem.
But is American cheese even real? American cheese is a 100-year-old way of cheesemaking that preserves the protein of milk longer than in traditional cheeses. It’s made from milk, rennet, and salt, just like every other cheese, and shouldn’t be confused with the single slices of processed cheese sold in packages.
Como fazer Creamy Mac e Cheese from Scratch
In this recipe, we cook the noodles with water and evaporated milk together from the start so there’s no draining of the noodles needed. Aqui estão as instruções de como fazer isso: Adicione a água, o leite evaporado, a manteiga e o macarrão de cotovelo a uma panela grande e deixe ferver e depois reduza ao lume brando. Boiling these ingredients all at once adds starch from the noodles to the sauce, thickening as it cooks. Plus, it makes things easier with no need to drain, and your pasta will still be al dente. *NOTE* Keep a keen eye on the pot as it comes to a boil so it doesn’t boil over. Adding the evaporated milk to the water and noodles raises the internal heat and adds more bubbles so the mixture will overflow in an instant if you turn away for too long.
Adicione uma dica de sabor
Adicione mostarda moída e sal kosher ao macarrão enquanto cozinha. Ground mustard is a natural enhancer to a melty cheese sauce where it lingers in the background just barely being noticed and kosher salt flavors the noodles as they cook. Avoid using prepared mustard as it imparts a vinegar bite. Para ajudar a misturar a mostarda seca de forma coesa e sem grumos, whisk the ground mustard into 1 tablespoon of water until smooth, then stir into the sauce and noodles while cooking. Se quiseres, só uma pitada de alho serve. If you like, add 1/8 teaspoon of garlic powder at this time too.
Reduzir o Molho no Macarrão
Cozinhe o macarrão até ao al denté com cerca de 1/3 de chávena de molho cremoso deixada no fundo da panela. Cooking the noodles directly in the water and evaporated milk creates a lightly thickened sauce thanks to the gluten and starch of the noodles. Evite cozinhar o macarrão e o molho a seco! The style of noodles will depend on the cooking time. Sturdier, high-quality Italian noodles will take longer to cook where American macaroni takes less. If the sauce runs dry, add more water and evaporated milk to the pan until the noodles are cooked.
Adicionar os Dois Tipos de Queijo
Acrescente o queijo em lotes. When adding the cheese to your cooked pasta, use a heavy wooden spoon to really get in there and stir things up and add the cheese in batches. Gently fold so the noodles don’t break apart. The result is mac and cheese that’s smooth and rich and creamy.
Mac e Cheese Mix-Ins e Toppings
There’s not much you can do to make mac and cheese better than this, unless you added a few simple ingredients to make a meal, like:
- Vegetais como espinafres, ervilhas, milho, tomates secos ao sol, brócolos cozidos ou couve-flor assada
- Carnes como bacon picado, presunto ou cachorros-quentes fatiados
- Cebolas caramelizadas ou cebolinhas cortadas
- Uma migalha de pão tostada com alho ou uma cobertura Panko
- Pimenta de Caiena ou molho picante se você quiser um pouco de calor
Como Reaquecer Mac e Queijo
To reheat mac and cheese, microwave for 45 seconds on high power or 1 minute on medium power. To reheat on the stovetop, add 1-2 tablespoons of milk to the pan with the mac and cheese on medium heat.
Como Congelar Mac e Queijo
I don’t really recommend freezing this mac and cheese, as it just doesn’t hold up as well after it’s been in the freezer. If you’re looking for a good mac and cheese to freeze and bake, use this recipe instead.
O Que Servir com Mac e Queijo
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- 1 colher de chá de mostarda seca (, dissolvida em 1 colher de sopa de água)
- 2 chávenas de água
- 1 1/2 colher de chá de sal kosher
- 4 onças de queijo cheddar suave ralado (, arredondado 1/2 copo)
- 1 lata de leite evaporado de 12 onças Kroger
- 2 colheres de sopa de manteiga
- 1/8 colher de chá de alho em pó (, opcional)
- 4 onças de queijo americano. (, cerca de 6 fatias)
- Macarrão de 8 onças de cotovelo, espiral ou macarrão de concha (, cerca de 2 copos 3/4)
- Em uma panela média, adicione o macarrão, manteiga, água, leite evaporado e sal. Em uma tigela pequena, amasse a mostarda seca com um garfo até ficar macia e acrescente ao macarrão. Se estiver usando, adicione o alho em pó neste momento. Mexa a mistura e deixe ferver e rapidamente abaixar o fogo até ferver em lume brando antes de ferver. Cozinhe o macarrão na direcção da embalagem 5-8 minutos, ou até que esteja tenro. Deve haver 1/4 a 1/3 de copo de líquido na panela quando o macarrão estiver pronto para cozinhar. Caso contrário, adicionar mais 1-2 colheres de sopa de leite evaporado à mistura do macarrão. Retire do fogo.
- Adicione o queijo em lotes ao macarrão e use uma colher de pau para mexer e combinar até ficar cremoso. Saboreie para temperar e sirva quente.