Torrada Francesa de Banana e Chocolate Chip Baked

It hasn’t stopped rocking and rolling around here. School just got out, schedules are in transition, my husband is in full rehearsal mode with the band getting back together (oh Lord, did I just admit that is really happening?) and I just got back to town after an amazingly inspiring trip to Seattle for BlogHer Food. I did my fare share of blogger-stalking, business card exchanges and tweeting #overkill and met many of my fave bloggers and even more new faces I am so stoked to now/soon be following. And yes my pants are fitting a bit tighter. Damn Seattle has some good eats! I’ll be doing a blog biz wrap up later this week and can’t wait to share the highlights. And BTW Austin, watch out ’cause this bloggo bunch is headed your way next year. Before I left for Seattle I was crazy busy with deadlines, all of that said above and most importantly our Smudge’s 8th birthday. I’m still not sure if my post-party hangover is from the night of 8 year olds who don’t know any other speed than full throttle or food bloggers who pretty much do the same. Either way, they both created new inspirations for me. Like this ooey gooey concoction that thanks to requests at our house for more combinations of chocolate and banana, has yet to fade from the peanut gallery. I blame it all on my favorite Chocolate Chip Banana Bread, a recipe that quickly crowned me “the best cook of all the moms,” an invisible badge that I secretly—but oh so proudly—display.
And if you’re a mom, you saiba the mere thought of the clamor that was about to begin was ample motivation to create an easy, no-fuss breakfast. Hey, I might even get a few extra minutes of shut-eye before the next torrent of girl-frenzy began. (Divulgação: Não o fiz, obrigado.) I considered pulling out my favorite stand-by Ham and Cheese Breakfast Souffle but quickly realized this meal called for an extra dose of sugary sweetness. I’ve made baked french toast plenty of times, but this time decided to continue the banana/chocolate chip theme with a riff on my daughter’s newest obsession of pancakes studded with said ingredients. As I was pulling the dish together I started daydreaming of fruit crumbles (mind wandering: is it age or adult onset ADD?) so impulsively mixed a little oatmeal, butter and brown sugar together for a streusel topper. It was just the texture balance the custardy dish needed.
Sobre a receita
1. Use store-bought cinnamon swirl bread to add an extra layer of flavor. Bonus: The bread I used had a sugary topping that simply added to the sweetness of the dish. 2. No need to break up the bread into pieces, go ahead and layer the slices whole with crusty bottoms of slices alternately stack with the golden top crusts. 3. I use a deep-dish lasagna pan so I can use 4 layers of bread 4. Like banana bread, go ahead and use those almost too ripe bananas to enhance the banana flavor 5. Prepare the night before, but remember to pull from the fridge a half hour to bring to room temperature before going into the oven Se você fizer esta receita, por favor me avise! Deixe um ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐⭐️️ nesta receita abaixo e deixe um comentário, tire uma foto e tag me on Instagram com #foodiecrusheats. Ham and Cheese Breakfast Souffle Dutch Babies Ham and Cheese Egg CupsSalmon and Egg Bagel BenedictGrandma’s Scrambled Eggs

- ½ chávena de açúcar mascavo
- 1 ½ chávenas de chocolate meio-doce em pedaços
- 3 chávenas de leite integral
- 2 pães de canela cortados em fatias (, cerca de 24 fatias)
- 8 ovos
- 2 bananas maduras (, fatiadas)
- ½ copo de manteiga (, à temperatura ambiente)
- ¼ copo de manteiga (, derretida e refrigerada mais 1 colher de sopa para untar a frigideira)
- 1 colher de sopa de baunilha
- ½ chávena de aveia
- Unte generosamente uma caçarola de 9 X 13 polegadas de profundidade com 1 colher de sopa de manteiga. Coloque uma camada de fatias de pão alternando o sentido das côdeas inferiores e superiores para fora da panela. Adicione uma camada de bananas e lascas de chocolate. Repita mais 2 vezes terminando com uma camada de pão.
- Numa tigela grande batedor de ovos, leite, manteiga e baunilha juntos. Verta lentamente sobre as camadas de pão, certificando-se de que o revestimento é uniforme.
- Numa tigela pequena combine farinha de aveia, manteiga e açúcar mascavado e misture em tufos com os dedos. Caçarola de cima com tufos de aveia. Embrulhe bem com plástico e leve ao frigorífico durante a noite.
- Para assar, pré-aqueça o forno a 350°F. Retire a caçarola da geladeira e leve à temperatura ambiente, cerca de meia hora. Asse sem tampa por 35-45 minutos ou até que as bordas estejam borbulhando e o topo esteja dourado. Retire e deixe assar por 5 minutos e sirva.