Feijão Verde e Cogumelos Shiitake Plus 5 Lados Simples de Ação de Graças

The stories are what I remember the most. Everyone gathered around my Grandma Mary Jane’s dining table set with her best crystal and china—that I now have. The ambrosia salad that she’d make just for me. Helping my Aunt Jill make the relish tray and sneaking the squeeze cheese minus the celery. But the best part of Thanksgiving was my Grandma M.J. retelling the same stories each year, with the same style and wit as if it was the first. Her memories of when my mom and and her siblings were young. No matter how many times we’d heard the story, the entire table would wait anxiously, grinning from ear to ear, and roar in laughter at the punch line. No one could tell a story like Grandma MJ. Except for Uncle Tom, whose laugh was positively booming and infectious, and whose motto is, “I’m on a seafood diet. I see food and I eat it.” Ah, words to live by. Lucky for you, I’ve started—just barely—to move out of my ambrosia salad phase. This green bean recipe was from the first real Thanksgiving I cooked on my own. The day started with family, bagels on the beach and surfing. It ended with my husband’s coveted Baked Corn casserole erupting into Baked Corn Flambé and Tom the turkey making his post-oven debut at 9:30 p.m. Damn pop-up timers. Let’s just say the martinis made the wait a lot easier . But that’s what Thanksgiving is all about. It’s about creating the memories to share with family and friends around a table, with the same story and the same punch line, for years to come. I Se você fizer esta receita, por favor me avise! Deixe um ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐⭐️️ nesta receita abaixo e deixe um comentário, tire uma foto e tag me on Instagram com #foodiecrusheats.

- 8 onças de cogumelos shiitake (fatiados)
- Caldo de galinha com 2/3 chávenas de caldo de galinha magro
- 6 colheres de sopa de manteiga (¾ stick)
- Revista Bon Appetit (Novembro de 2001)
- 2 dentes de alho (picados)
- 2 libras de feijão verde fresco (aparado)
- 2 chalotas (fatiadas finamente)
- Em fogo médio-alto, derreta 3 colheres de sopa de manteiga em uma frigideira salteada. Adicione os cogumelos e cozinhe durante 5 minutos.
- Transferir para uma tigela.
- Na mesma panela, salteie cebola e alho nas restantes 3 colheres de sopa de manteiga durante 2 minutos.
- Acrescente feijão verde e caldo de galinha. Ferva em fogo brando até que o líquido se tenha evaporado, cerca de 10 minutos.
- Acrescentar cogumelos de volta à panela e aquecer através dela.
- Acrescente sal e pimenta a gosto e sirva.