Salada de Espinafres com Peru e Maçãs Espiralizadas e Abóbora

Leftover turkey breast shines in this spinach salad with spiralized butternut squash and apple in a sesame-tinged dressing for a full meal dinner or super easy and delicious lunch with mega crunch. There’s nothing better than helping someone in need, and if you’ve ever had a newborn, you know you need all the help you can get. So when Ali of the food blog Inspiralized asked me if I’d be interested in sharing a recipe on her site while she was on maternity leave, I said yes in a heartbeat, because sharing recipes is a whole lot more fun than changing diapers. The Inspiralizer has become one of my all-time favorite kitchen gadgets because it inspires healthful eating and makes regular old veggies and fruits look totally unique. Plus, it’s really kind of fun to use. If you don’t have one yet, you really should add it to your wish list. It’s no secret that Ali is an Inspiralizer genius and her two cookbooks are proof in the curly-cued veggie pudding and they’ve inspired me to share this Thai Zucchini Noodle and Quinoa Salad recipe as well as this Caprese Zucchini Salad recipe from her first cookbook. Now, from her second cookbook, Inspiralize Everything, I’m sharing this totally unique spin (literally) on what to make with leftover Thanksgiving turkey. Because you can only eat so many turkey and stuffing sandwiches before the scale totally tips in the wrong direction.
Sobre esta Salada de Espinafres
This salad is the epitome of fall salads and is totally filling all on its own. It’s fresh flavors and veggie crunch will absolutely pull you out of your post-Thanksgiving Day rut, but because I love baking a turkey breast for my daughter’s weekly school lunches (this is my favorite way to bake an always juicy turkey breast) I can make this salad any old time I want. Spiralized vegetables and fruit are an easy and healthful way to get in your daily 5-a-day in and with this salad, you’ll only have one left to add in. First, spiralized squash is roasted in the oven so it lightly caramelizes and becomes sweeter in flavor while holding it’s earthy bite. In Ali’s original recipe, she used a large Asian pear to complement the fall flavors. But true to form, I didn’t have time for the store-bought pears to ripen on the counter before making this salad so I used a crunchy Honeycrisp apple instead, and spiralizing it gave it a whole new apple-esqu appeal. Dica: If you’re spiralizing the apple in advance, store it covered in a bit of water with a touch of lemon juice so it doesn’t discolor. After spiralizing, be sure to trim both the butternut squash and the apple with kitchen scissors, cutting them into more manageable lengths. Bright pomegranate seeds add a sweet but tart bite to the earthy roasted squash and savory turkey and paired with pecans and goat cheese, it’s like a flavor explosion with each bite. I like to roast my pecans before chopping to deepen their flavor. To do so, simply add the whole or roughly chopped pecans to a dry fry-pan over medium-high heat. Let them cook for 1 minute or so undisturbed then move them around so they toast but don’t burn. Pull from the heat as soon as they begin to golden and become fragrant, then give them a rough chop and add to the salad. But the crowning moment for this salad may actually be the simple, Asian-style sesame-flavored dressing, sweetened with a bit of maple syrup. Ali calls for apple cider vinegar here, but I used rice wine vinegar instead. Either one would be totally interchangeable and absolutely delicious. My favorite way to make homemade salad dressings is to add all the ingredients to a small glass jar with a fitted lid, then simply shake vigorously until all the ingredients fold together. This makes it easy to store any leftover dressing with one less dish to clean, too. If you’re looking for more healthy recipes that start by spiralizing, check out my list of 20 Inspiring Spiralized Recipes and then get into the kitchen and spin something good. Se você fizer esta receita, por favor me avise! Deixe um ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐⭐️️ nesta receita abaixo e deixe um comentário, tire uma foto e tag me on InstagramInstagramPinterest Twitter

- 1 colher de sopa de molho de soja
- Spray de cozedura
- 1 colher de sopa de azeite extra-virgem
- 2 colheres de sopa de vinagre (, cidra de maçã ou vinagre de vinho de arroz, dependendo da sua preferência)
- 1 colher de chá de sementes de gergelim (, branco ou preto)
- Para a Salada
- Para a Vinaigrette
- 1/2 copo de nozes pecans torradas picadas
- 1 dente de alho (, picado ou prensado)
- 1/2 copo de queijo de cabra desfiado
- Sal Kosher e pimenta preta moída na hora
- 1 colher de sopa de xarope de ácer
- 5 onças de espinafres recém-nascidos
- 1 colher de sopa de óleo de gergelim
- 1 abóbora-menina média (, descascada, em espiral com lâmina B, e macarrão aparado)
- 1 libra de peru assado (, triturado ou cortado em pedaços de tamanho de mordida)
- 1/2 xícara de chá de sementes de romã
- Pimenta preta moída na hora a gosto
- 1 maçã Honeycrisp grande (, ou pêra asiática,prizada com Lâmina D)
- Pré-aqueça o forno a 400°F. Forre uma chapa com papel pergaminho e espalhe o macarrão de abóbora-menina na chapa, espaçando-os uniformemente. Pratear levemente com spray de cozinha e temperar com sal kosher e pimenta preta, assar por 10 minutos ou até perderem o sabor cru e amolecer.
- Entretanto, faz o molho vinagrete. Numa tigela pequena ou num frasco com uma tampa apertada, adicione todos os ingredientes do vinagrete e bata ou sacuda o frasco até que os ingredientes sejam emulsionados. Reserve.
- Adicione os espinafres a uma tigela grande com a maçã espiralada ou pêra, abóbora de abóbora e o peru. Cubra com metade das sementes de romã e nozes pecã e regue com o molho e atire para revestir. Cubra com o resto das sementes de romã, nozes pecã e o queijo de cabra, tempere mais a gosto e sirva.