Oats, cherries, berries and banana soak in almond milk overnight in the refrigerator to create a no-cook red, white and blue layered, healthy on-the-go breakfast in a jar. This year I’m partnering with Blue Diamond Amêndoa Breeze to share healthful recipes made with almond milk, like these easy, no-cook overnight oats that will help you serve up your best. This summer our days have been jam-packed. No lazy days of summer here. She’s been a busy 12 year old with one camp or another almost every week this summer. Golf camp. Soccer camp. And to continue carrying on my sport-loving legacy, she had her first volleyball camp too. I am so glad she likes sports. Because like I was at her age, my girl is tall. And she’s surprisingly coordinated. She has ball games in her genes and maybe one day, ONE DAY, a scholarship just might be in her future. Oh, one can only wish upon a four leaf clover with fingers, toes and eyes crossed too. And if it doesn’t, I know there’s a whole lot more she’ll get from playing in sports besides financial aid. I remember trying out for my 7th grade volleyball team. I didn’t know a set from a spike or a bump from a dig. But I loved it. I relished the challenge of improving at something I practiced at. I loved the competition and the thrill of the win. I even loved doing homework with my teammates on the bus rides to the away games. Gina and Jill, you got me through Algebra and I thank you. One of the hardest parts of becoming a graduating high school senior was competing in our final State games and knowing I would soon be saying goodbye to the friendships I had developed during those trying teenage years. All thanks to being part of a team. I can only hope that Smudge will learn the same discipline, respect and work ethic I did from competing in team sports. It’s an experience that sets you up for the rest of life’s challenges, ups, downs, wins and losses. Because life really is the ultimate game. That’s why I was super excited to hear that Almond Breeze está ajudando a alimentar os atletas da equipe de vôlei dos EUA como o leite de amêndoa oficial e patrocinador do vôlei dos EUA. Você pode entrar na ação por visitando ServeUpYourBest por uma chance de ganhar $5.000 para a praia definitiva …dia. Bump. Set. SCORE! Summer just keeps getting better and better. Much to my Smudge’s chagrin, all this game playing has made sleeping in a rare commodity. She’s up and getting at it at just about the same time she was during the school year. My firm rule is she NEVER leaves the house without breakfast. Lucky for me, this girl is a good eater and she LOVES oatmeal. We started making overnight oats during the school year and it’s made morning meal times especially easy. Usually we make 2-3 and even 4 at a time since they last just fine in the fridge. It makes it so that if she wants to sleep in that extra 10 minutes, I’m okay that she does because she can just grab a jar and eat them on the go. Smudge makes these for herself now, playing around with flavors and spices. But her favorite way is this way, with berries, banana, Almond Breeze almondmilk and oats. Since we had cherries on hand we threw them in too, then layered it all in red, white and blue for a patriotic nod to USA Volleyball. One thing to note, don’t skip on adding a pinch of salt to the mix. It adds just the right touch to flavor to the whole entire mix. Se você fizer esta receita, por favor me avise! Deixe um ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐⭐️️ nesta receita abaixo e deixe um comentário, tire uma foto e tag me on Instagram ** GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED ** Congratulations to the winner, #20 Carol (selected by random.org) But before you head out, please take a minute to fill out this then come back and leave a comment to say that you did. As a THANK YOOOOUUU you’ll then be entered to win a $50 VISA gift card. &&&&&&& THANK YOU!!! Instagram Pinterest Twitter

- 1 colher de chá de canela moída
- 2 chávenas de framboesas mistas (, cerejas doces escuras fatiadas e cerejas)
- 2 colheres de sopa de mel
- 1/2 colher de chá de sal
- 2 chávenas de baunilha de amêndoa Breeze Almondmilk Unsweetened
- 2 chávenas de aveia laminada
- 1 banana (, fatiada)
- Dividir a aveia enrolada entre dois frascos de conserva de 1 litro com tampa de rosca. Aveia 1 colher de sopa de mel em cada frasco. Adicione 1/2 colher de chá de canela moída e 1/4 colher de chá de sal a cada frasco.
- Camada 1 copo de bagas em cada frasco alternando em camadas vermelhas, brancas e azuis de framboesas, cerejas, banana e terminando com mirtilos.
- Deitar 1 chávena de leite de amêndoa sobre as bagas em cada frasco. Enrosque as tampas nos boiões e leve-os à refrigeração durante a noite.