Recheio de Arando e Nozes

This simple turkey stuffing recipe is studded with dried cranberries, walnuts, celery, and onions, and scented with a mix of fresh herbs, for an easy and comforting addition to your Thanksgiving table.
A Melhor Receita de Recheio de Peru
Every year, the holiday season begs for taking note of all things nostalgic. From shopping mall Christmas Santas to familiar family stories, reminiscing and relishing the familiar sights, sounds and smells of the holidays goes hand in hand with the season itself. While the destination of where we gather changes from year to year, being with those we love is always the centerpiece of our holiday table. Family is that one essential ingredient that makes the holidays the special occassions that they are: familiar but in so many ways, brand new. But sometimes, traditions are begging to be broken, and sometimes you just need to bust out of the same old and put a new spin on things. This year I’m creating a bold and spicy twist on the traditional holiday table. I’ve shared a few recipes with you so far this season, but it’s time to put them all together for one big dinner family favorite feast. I’ve added a little heat to the bird (plan on adding a few more napkins, too), and a lot more flavor to the sides and even boozed it up with a twist on the traditional pumpkin dessert. First up is my favorite part of the Thanksgiving table, the homemade stuffing. The play of savory and sweet is what makes this Thanksgiving stuffing recipe extra special. Ground sage and thyme deliver the traditional herbed stuffing flavor that’s accented with bites of sweetened cranberries and the crunch of onions, celery and earthy walnuts. Bake this stuffing in its own pan for a perfectly crisped pairing for juicy turkey or leave out the aromatics in the bird and stuff away.
O que há neste recheio de Arando e Nozes?
This homemade walnut and cranberry stuffing is a breeze to make and requires very few ingredients. Here’s what you’ll need to make this Thanksgiving stuffing recipe:
- Cubos de pão secos
- Nozes picadas
- Arandos secos
- Manteiga
- Aipo
- Cebola amarela
- Salsa fresca
- Salva terrestre e tomilho
- sal e pimenta Kosher
Qual é o Melhor Pão para Recheio?
Thanks to researching the best bread to use for stuffing, I chose a good quality, regular white sandwich bread that’s been cut into chunks and then left out on a baking sheet overnight so the bread dries out. If you’re in a hurry, you could pop it into 250 degree F oven for an hour or two.
Como Fazer Recheio de Arando e Nozes
To make this homemade stuffing, you’ll first need to melt the butter in a skillet and cook the chopped celery and onions until browned. Stir in the rest of the aromatics, then toss the butter mixture with the dried bread cubes, cranberries, and walnuts. Drizzle chicken broth into the bowl and stir to combine. Turn the mixture into a buttered 9×13-inch baking dish and bake until the top is a lovely golden brown.
Posso preparar o recheio com antecedência?
Yes, to prep this cranberry stuffing ahead of time mix all the ingredients together as instructed, then tightly cover the unbaked stuffing with aluminum foil and pop it into the fridge. When you’re ready to bake the stuffing, let it come to room temperature before sliding it into the oven.
Como Reaquecer o Recheio
The best way to reheat leftover stuffing is to bake it in a 350ºF oven, covered, for roughly 30 minutes, or until it’s warmed through. Remove the foil in the last 5 to 10 minutes of baking to help the top crisp up again.
Consegues congelar o recheio?
Yes! To freeze this Thanksgiving stuffing, let it cool completely before storing it in freezer-safe bags or Tupperware containers. You can reheat the stuffing from frozen in a 350ºF oven.
Dicas para fazer esta receita de recheio de arando e nozes
Taste test and add more sage if desired. It’s the one flavor that I really think gives the stuffing my favorite flavoring. I usually stuff my bird, hence the name “stuffing.” “Dressing” is usually named for the same mixture cooked outside of the bird. So technically this cranberry stuffing recipe is cranberry dressing. If you’re stuffing your turkey, make the mix a bit drier, minus 1/2 cup or so of the chicken broth, as the juice from the turkey will soak into the stuffing as it cooks. Be sure your stuffing reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees if cooked in the bird. If your bird is done and your stuffing is not, transfer to a baking dish and continue to bake until it hits 165 to destroy all foodborne bacteria.
Mais Lados de Ação de Graças Fáceis de Fazer Este Ano
Se você fizer esta receita, por favor me avise! Deixe um ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐⭐️️ nesta receita abaixo e deixe um comentário, tire uma foto e tag me on Instagram

- 2 chávenas de nozes (, picadas)
- 10 chávenas de cubos de pão secos não temperados
- 1 1/2 - 2 copos de caldo de galinha
- 3 talos de aipo (, picados)
- 1/4 xícara de salsa italiana (, picada)
- 1 colher de sopa de sal kosher
- 1 copo de arandos secos
- 1 colher de chá de pimenta preta moída na hora
- 1 colher de sopa de salva de terra
- 1 colher de sopa de tomilho moído
- 2 cebolas grandes amarelas (, picadas)
- 9 colheres de sopa de manteiga
- Pré-aqueça o forno a 350°F.
- Colocar cubos de pão, nozes e arandos em tigela grande e reservar.
- Revestir uma assadeira de 9x13 polegadas com 1 colher de sopa de manteiga.
- Derreta a manteiga restante na frigideira em fogo médio-alto e adicione aipo e cebola. Cozinhar 4-5 minutos, ou até amolecer e dourar levemente, mexendo frequentemente. Adicione a salsa, salva moída, tomilho, sal kosher e pimenta e misture bem. Adicione a mistura à mistura do cubo do pão e atire para combinar.
- Regue 1 1/2 copo do caldo de galinha sobre a mistura em tigela, e mexa para combinar. Adicione mais caldo de galinha e sal e pimenta, conforme desejado.
- Colocar o recheio numa panela preparada e assar, descoberto, até que a parte superior esteja levemente dourada, cerca de 50-60 minutos.