Milho Grelhado com Manteiga de Búfalo Picante

Easy grilled summer corn gets a kick in the tastebuds with a slathering of yummy buffalo sauce and blue cheese-spiked compound butter. My husband has three fetishes when it comes to eating seasonally come summer. First, watermelon. Seedless please. Second, cucumbers. Even though he’s allergic to them he still puts us through listening to him clear his throat for minutes at a time because he can’t stop eating them. Lovely. And third, corn. Corn, corn, corn. Virtually every menu we’ve grilled up this summer has been peppered with the addition of grilled corn. Corn with burgers. Corn with ribs. Corn with chicken. And yes, even corn with (and on) pizza. While we’ve certainly been known to toss the cobs into the big stock pot to cook for a mere minute or three, our most favorite way to enjoy it is cooking it alongside whatever else is on the grill to make it, “charred corn for the win!” However, corn would be nothing without butter. And this blue cheese buffalo compound butter is all about the slather. Off your chin. Like this butter is guaranteed to be.
Sobre a Receita
I’ve made grilled corn all sorts of ways. I’ve grilled it in the husk. I’ve grilled it without. I’ve soaked the cobs in water. I’ve even tried smoking them. There are a few simple guidelines to create tasty grilled corn without taking all day. I like to remove the husks and silk from the corn before grilling. A) It’s a whole lot easier to shuck and peel the silk when they’re cold resulting in a less-mess is best way of cooking. Sometimes I’ll peel most of the husks off but leave a few for presentation, simply pulling them all the way back from the husk, creating a natural handle. One of my standard rules was always to soak my husks in water before grilling. The theory being they retain the moisture and stay plump. But in the interest of time these days, I rarely take that step any more. Instead, I’ll toss them right on the grill on high heat, rotating the cobs every few minutes to keep the char even. Flavored compound butters are something I like to keep on hand and while it would be easy to just put in a bowl and serve from there, I like rolling them into logs and cutting into slices to slather on to just about everything for added flavor. I use unsalted butter to control the salt flavor and add in blue cheese, scallions, hot sauce and just a pinch of salt. So simple and incredibly good, especially with a few extra chopped scallions on top. Serve with a side of dental floss and tooth picks. Dica : For other yummy flavored compound butter recipes, check out this post! Se você fizer esta receita, por favor me avise! Deixe um ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐⭐️️ nesta receita abaixo e deixe um comentário, tire uma foto e tag me on Instagram

- 8 espigas de milho (, sem casca e sem seda)
- Para a Manteiga Apimentada de Búfalo
- Para o Milho Grelhado
- 1 colher de sopa de cebolinho (, picado )
- 2 onças de queijo azul (, desmoronado)
- 1/2 copo de manteiga (, (1 pau), à temperatura ambiente)
- 1 colher de sopa de molho picante Frank's Red Hot Sauce ou outro molho picante à base de vinagre
- Para fazer a Manteiga Apimentada de Búfalo
- Misture os ingredientes em uma tigela pequena até que estejam bem combinados. Coloque um grande pedaço de plástico em um balcão limpo. Colocar a mistura de manteiga no terço inferior do invólucro de plástico e depois enrolar num tronco. Refrigerar durante uma hora, ou até ficar firme.
- Para Fazer o Milho Grelhado
- Para grelhar milho, basta colocá-lo em uma grelha quente. Você pode manter o milho em suas cascas para vaporizá-lo ou colocar as espigas diretamente sobre a grelha para mais charque. Feche a grelha, verificando e virando com pinças, a cada cinco minutos ou mais, durante cerca de 15-20 minutos.