Sopa de Abóbora com Salva Crocante

This creamy pumpkin soup is made with just 7 ingredients! I like to stir in a little mascarpone cheese to bump up the creaminess factor and always add a sprinkle of crispy sage leaves on top. I won’t waste a lot of time explaining why we had this creamy pumpkin soup, not that the big birthday wasn’t speeeecial, but because for me, the night got hijacked by the soup. Sorry babe, maybe next year. This soup isn’t about pumpkin puree, or extra veggies to make it sweeter, or crunchy bits to make it more manly. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. It’s just that this pumpkin soup recipe is so killer. And so simple. Like, 7 ingredients simple. Plus a slurp of cheese. Done and done. A few weeks ago, some friends helped us celebrate my man’s belated birthday dinner at Park City’s Canyons Resort and their award-winning restaurant, The Farm. The menu meets and delivers on the hyper hot trend of farm to table, with all ingredients sourced within 50 miles for max freshness and keeping it local, local, local. And man, this place does deliver. While the littles were mesmerized by the pea soup amuse bouche, I was totally transfixed by this pumpkin soup that was served with homemade marshmallows. I HAD to have the recipe. I had barely mentioned this fact to our patiently attentive server and next thing I knew, Chef Steve Musolf swooped in, deftly dodging the growing number of empty wine bottles and generously obliged, delivering a fresh copy of the recipe to the table. Go ahead. Put it on your Thanksgiving table. And then maybe on your leftover turkey. And afterward over pumpkin pie. It’s really that good.
O que há nesta sopa de abóbora?
Like I said, this easy fall soup recipe requires just 7 main ingredients. Here’s what you’ll need to make this creamy pumpkin soup:
- Abóboras de tarte de açúcar
- Cebola
- Estoque de frango
- Petróleo
- Manteiga
- Sábio
- Tempero para torta de abóbora
- Sal
- queijo Mascarpone
Como Fazer Sopa de Abóbora
You’ll first need to sweat the onions in a large stockpot over medium-low heat. I know it’s tempting, but don’t crank up the heat. You want the onions to cook down and sweat, not develop color. Then, cut the sugar pie pumpkins in half and remove the seeds. Place sage leaves in each pumpkin half and place on a baking sheet. Brush the pumpkins with butter and roast until fork tender. Peel the skin from the pumpkins, then place the flesh in a large stockpot along with the rest of the ingredients (except the butter and onions). Simmer the pumpkin soup for 30 minutes, then transfer to a blender and blend until creamy. While blending the soup, incrementally add in the butter and onions. In a separate saucepan, fry the reserved sage leaves in some butter. Once golden brown, remove from the saucepan and allow to cool. Serve the creamy pumpkin soup with a dollop of mascarpone, fried sage leaves, and a whirl of olive oil if desired.
Posso congelar a sopa de abóbora?
Yes, this easy pumpkin soup freezes incredibly well. Note that you’ll want to freeze the soup before stirring in the fried sage leaves or mascarpone.
Posso preparar esta sopa com antecedência?
Yes, this pumpkin soup can be made ahead of time. I recommend reheating the pumpkin soup in a covered saucepan over medium heat.
Dicas para fazer sopa de abóbora
I’ve never made this pumpkin soup recipe with canned pumpkin, so I’m not sure if you can use it in place of roasted sugar pie pumpkins. When making pumpkin soup, I prefer using my homemade chicken stock. However, I totally understand if using store-bought stock is easier for you. Choose a good quality stock with a minimal amount of salt; it’s better to season this soup yourself. And if you don’t have pumpkin pie spice, you can make your own quite easily. It’ll come in handy for savory dishes and baked goods alike!
Mais ideias de sopa de outono que você vai adorar
Se você fizer esta receita, por favor me avise! Deixe um ⭐️⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ classificação nesta receita abaixo e deixe um comentário, tire uma foto e tag me on Instagram

- 1 molho de salva (, reservando uma dúzia de folhas)
- 4 1/2 chávenas de caldo de galinha ou de legumes
- 4 abóboras de torta de açúcar
- 1/4 xícara de chá de queijo mascarpone
- 1/2 libra (2 paus) de manteiga (, mais 2 colheres de sopa)
- 1 cebola grande amarela (, fatiada)
- 1 colher de sopa de óleo
- 2 colheres de sopa de tempero de torta de abóbora
- sal q.b.
- Pré-aqueça o forno a 350 graus F.
- Em fogo médio, aqueça o óleo num grande caldo, adicione cebolas e baixe a temperatura para cebolas de tamanho médio-baixo a suor até que estas se tornem translúcidas. Entretanto, corte as abóboras ao meio e retire as sementes.
- Coloque folhas de salva em cada metade da abóbora e coloque sobre uma assadeira, com a pele para baixo. Escovar com uma colher de sopa de manteiga derretida e assar durante 45 minutos.
- Quando amolecido e as abóboras podem ser perfuradas com um garfo, retire do forno e descasque a pele das abóboras.
- Combine abóbora com os ingredientes restantes na panela de caldo, excepto manteiga com cebola. Ferva em fogo brando durante 1/2 hora.
- Retire do fogo e adicione a mistura ao liquidificador em lotes, adicionando, por incrementos, manteiga e cebola. Ajuste o tempero a gosto.
- Numa caçarola, derreta 2 colheres de sopa de manteiga reservada e adicione folhas de salva reservadas. Salteie até ficar levemente dourado.
- Sirva a sopa com um pouco de mascarpone, folhas de salva frita e um giro de azeite, se desejar.