Tosta Francesa de Coco Assada com Crocante de Aveia

This easy coconut scented baked French toast is made lighter with almond milk, and features an oatmeal crumble topping for a crunchy granola texture, for a delicious special breakfast your whole family will love. This year I’m partnering with Almond Breeze to create and share recipes using almond milk, and like many who think of almond milk, breakfast has been on my mind. A make-ahead breakfast, something to make at home instead of going out. For breakfast, or better yet, for brunch. For Easter. For Mother’s Day. For Saturday or Sunday. With champagne, orange juice and daffodils on the table. For me, French toast is something you make at home. I can’t say I’ve ordered it out but one time in the past 15 years. Now, Smudge? She’s a different story. When we have breakfast out, French toast with a slab of butter and nearly drowning in maple-ey syrup are totally her jam. I’m all about ease. Make ahead. Put in the refrigerator and then later pop into the oven. More time to sip champagne, pass the orange juice and smell the flowers and wonder why daffodils don’t smell? My mom must have made us French toast as kids at some point because otherwise, I’m not sure why else I would have this toast of the French obsession in sharing one, two, three, four and five French toast recipes here on the bloggity blog. Whoops. Make that six. But honestly, I don’t recall that being on our breakfast rotation. I can almost feel my phone’s silent text vibrating now. “Hi honey. I liked your post. It looks good. Yes, I did make you French Toast. Love you madly.” How could I forget? I can’t remember anything. But my mom…she’s better that way.
Sobre a Receita
For baked a french toast, I prefer a sweetened bread like challah or brioche for the base. Most grocery stores are now selling it on Fridays and Saturdays making it just in time for weekend brunch. The coconut flavor for this french toast is layered two fold. First, there’s the ingredient that really loads this breakfast with coconut flavor: Almond Breeze AlmondCoconut Blend milk. It’s whisked into the egg custard mixture with a shot of vanilla and I’ve been using it in this recipe since I first came up with it last fall. It’s since become a favorite. Next, layer two. Flaked coconut is mixed with your nimble little fingers into a brown sugar sweetened crumble with oatmeal (healthy! yes!) and butter (room temperature, please) and then baked for a crispy, crumbly top. If while baking, your top begins to brown too much to your liking, simply tent with a piece of foil to keep it light and flaked. I garnished my toast with fresh berries, but after sampling this donut french toast this weekend—ordered to be shared—I’m thinking a tropical version with sliced oranges and pineapple would be extra good too. My obsession with coconut continues.
Para Mais Bondade de Torradas Francesas:
- Torrada Francesa de Banana e Chocolate Chip Baked
- Taças de Canela Assada com Pasta de Canela
- Torrada Francesa Laranja Recheada Assada
- Taças de Chouriço e Chouriço
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- 1 colher de sopa de manteiga
- 1/2 xícara de chá de açúcar mascavo
- 1 pão de challah
- 1/2 copo de aveia
- Para amêndoas desmoronadas
- 5 ovos
- 4 colheres de sopa de manteiga
- 1/2 xícara de chá de coco ralado
- 1 copo de Leite de Amêndoa Breeze Almondmilk Coco Original
- Framboesas e amoras para guarnição
- 1 colher de chá de baunilha
- 2 colheres de sopa de açúcar
- Fatie o pão challah em fatias de 3/4" de espessura e reserve. Bata os ovos em uma xícara de chá de pirex e depois adicione leite de amêndoa, açúcar e baunilha, e bata bem.
- Manteiga ou spray com spray de cozimento uma assadeira de 2 quart e coloque 5-6 fatias de pão no fundo para que o pão se encaixe bem sem muito espaço. Regue uniformemente metade da mistura de ovos sobre a camada inferior do pão e depois adicione outra camada de pão por cima e regue com a mistura restante.
- Misture o açúcar mascavo, manteiga, coco ralado e aveia em uma tigela pequena. Use os dedos para combinar até incorporar bem. Polvilhe em cima do pão, cubra com filme plástico e leve ao frigorífico até estar pronto a assar, até de um dia para o outro.
- Para assar, pré-aqueça o forno a 350 graus. Retire a caçarola da geladeira e leve à temperatura ambiente, cerca de 20 minutos. Asse sem tampa por 35-40 minutos ou até a parte superior ficar dourada. Se a parte de cima começar a escurecer muito, coloque uma tenda com um pedaço de papel alumínio. Retire e deixe assar por 5 minutos e sirva com xarope de bordo e framboesas ou amoras frescas.
- Faz 6-8 porções.