Burritos de Camarão Chipotle com Crema de Abacate Simples

These delicious and filling Chipotle shrimp burritos are stuffed with smoky chipotle shrimp (with just the right amount of heat), rice, and a cool and refreshing avocado crema that ties everything together. I’m Heidi and I love Mexican food. It’s 100% true and I am 100% good with owning up to the fact that if you can give me something spicy to eat I’ll be more than happy to choose it over a mundane turkey on white bread sandwich. Unless that turkey on white bread sandwich also comes with a layer of sweet cranberry sauce and avocado slices with a sprinkle of kosher salt. Then we are in business. Add pickles and I might be in heaven. But for as much as I love Mexican food, from the tacos and gooey enchiladas to tomatillo salsa and citrusy guacamole, I’m not much of a burrito buff. So many flavors packed into portions that could feed a village resulting in the embarrassing wipe down of my face with half a dozen napkins—while searching for more—and the overwhelming kerfunkle of feeling like I just ate a house once I’m finally finished. Heaven forbid I should have to save half of a burrito for another meal. That would be like getting a foot massage but the masseuse does only one foot. You can just feel the neglect can’t you? That’s why I LOVE this burrito recipe. First of all I love spice. Secondly I love Avocados from Mexico. And thirdly I love shrimp that’s been doused in spice and cooked just for a minute or two so it’s still tender and succulent. Okay, and fourthly I love it slathered in a lightened but creamy sauce that leaves me feeling just filled, not overloaded.
Algumas notas sobre a receita:
This recipe is one I love using a cast iron skillet for. It gives a nice sear to the shrimpies and I leave the pan for my husband to clean. He says I don’t ever clean our cast iron correctly so let’s share the love with him right? When I cook he cleans. When he cooks he cleans. It’s a fair trade off, right? I have a feeling I’m going to be getting a lesson in cast iron cleaning soon. Please, please use wild shrimp rather than farm raised. I really like the wild Key West Pinks that I find at Whole Foods Market, but a sustainable wild Mexican shrimp is also going to deliver far more taste than a shrimp that’s been farm raised. The secret to this avocado crema sauce is in its simplicity. Just 3 ingredients for all that flavor. The secret ingredient is canned green chile enchilada sauce. I like the Hatch chile version because they’ve been roasted and give off a fantastic spicy kick with another layer of slight smokiness. Depending on your heat barometer, feel free to try a different enchilada sauce if you’d like. You might have leftover avocado crema, great for a topping on a mexican inspired salad of romaine, chicken and corn or to top that turkey and cranberry on white bread sandwich. To store the avocado crema in the refrigerator, place a piece of plastic wrap directly on top of the crema to keep discoloration from occurring. It will last for 3 days. If you happen to have leftover shrimp, try this as a morning treat with a few scrambled eggs. I did. Divine. Se você fizer esta receita, por favor me avise! Deixe um ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐⭐️️ nesta receita abaixo e deixe um comentário, tire uma foto e tag me on Instagram com #foodiecrusheats.

- 4 pimentas em conserva com molho de adobo
- 2 Abacates do México
- 1 libra de camarão médio (, conchas e caudas retiradas (51-60 camarões por libra))
- 1 chávena de molho Hatch green chile enchilada (, (lata de 15 onças))
- 4 tortilhas de farinha
- ½ chávena de creme mexicano ou creme azedo leve
- ½ colher de chá de canela
- 3 chávenas de arroz branco cozido
- 1 lima (, sumo)
- 3 colheres de sopa de azeite extra-virgem (, dividido)
- ½ copa folhas de coentro mais para guarnição
- 1 dente de alho
- 1 colher de sopa de mel
- 1 colher de sopa de molho de adobo
- Misture as pimentas chipotle, molho adobo, alho, mel, 2 colheres de sopa de azeite e canela em um processador de alimentos até ficar macio. Coloque o camarão num saco de galão do congelador Ziploc com a mistura de lascas e marinhe no frigorífico durante 1-2 horas.
- Enquanto isso, coloque as metades de abacate, crema e molho Hatch green chile enchilada em um liquidificador e misture para combinar. Adicione uma colher de sopa de água ou mais molho de enchilada à consistência desejada. Refrigerar até estar pronto para montar os burritos.
- Cozinhe arroz de acordo com as instruções do pacote. Arroz fluff e adicionar o sumo de uma lima e folhas de coentro. Mantenha quente em lume brando.
- Leve uma frigideira de fundo pesado ou uma frigideira de ferro fundido a temperatura média alta e adicione a colher de sopa restante de azeite de oliva. Uma vez quente adicionar camarão em lotes tendo o cuidado de não sobrelotar a frigideira. Cozinhe por 2 minutos de cada lado e depois vire e cozinhe por mais um minuto. Retire da frigideira e continue até que todos os camarões estejam cozidos.
- Para montar burritos, tortilhas de microondas durante 30 segundos. Coloque ¾ taça cliantro de arroz de lima em tortilha aquecida, adicione 10-12 camarões por burrito e cubra com creme de abacate. Aperte a lima fresca e guarneça com folhas de coentro adicionais. Enrole em burrito e cubra com crema de abacate adicional, conforme desejado.