Batatas e Ervilhas Vermelhas

There are only three steps in this easy recipe for boiled red potatoes and English peas with butter and fresh dill, making this a lovely side for a spring lunch or dinner. Signs of spring are popping up everywhere. We cleaned out the last of fall’s remnants of fallen leaves so that now the crocus are sprouting through, piles-of-dead-leaves-free, with their yellow and purple happy faces. This weekend I bought a mess of Girl Scout cookies. How many samoas and thin mints can be eaten in one sitting with three people? 2 boxes is the answer. And our new rescue pup Zoee is shedding like there’s no tomorrow. Pair the vacuuming of dog hair with the sneezes of hay fever and we have quite the symphony going on at our house. Ahhh, spring. But most of all, spring gets me craving simple, flavorful eats. With the emphasis on SIMPLE. And brunch. I’m craving brunch. This sudden appearance of 70-degree weather is having its way with me, inspiring lazy day Sundays toiling over festive eats. Easter has brunch in the cards, which I always prefer over that early dinner thing. And Mother’s Day? Brunch is a no brainer, just don’t forget to invite her along too. Roasted Asparagus with Brown Butter Marcona Almonds, Scrambled Eggs and Asparagus Toasts, or Grilled Artichokes with Garlic Butter all fit into the brunch cards.Side dishes are one of my favorite things to prepare because they just don’t have to be complicated or time consuming to taste delicious. And this one is the ultimate spring perk.
Sobre a Receita
I paired baby red potatoes with fresh English peas. I really think English peas are the epitome of spring’s new beginnings. I don’t often find them in the usual grocery store but always at Trader Joe’s. Baby red potatoes are perfectly delicious skin on and all. Forget that extra step of peeling! Be sure to remember to salt your water so the flavoring is absorbed throughout the potatoes. And remember, don’t salt your water before it comes to a boiling point or you have the potential of pitting your pans (as my husband ALWAYS reminds me as I salt the water too early.) The pair are gently tossed in melted REAL® butter and sprinkled with fresh dill, kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper. Se você fizer esta receita, por favor me avise! Deixe um ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐⭐️️ nesta receita abaixo e deixe um comentário, tire uma foto e tag me on Instagram com #foodiecrusheats. Subscribe to FoodieCrushInstagramFacebook, Pinterest Twitter.

- 4 colheres de sopa de manteiga
- 10 onças de ervilhas inglesas frescas (, cerca de 2 chávenas)
- 2 libras batatas vermelhas pequenas
- 1/4 xícara de xícara de folhas de endro fresco
- Sal Kosher e pimenta preta moída na hora
- Coloque batatas vermelhas em um grande depósito de água com 1-2 colheres de chá de sal kosher. Leve as batatas a ferver e reduza-as a fervura em fogo brando. Cozinhe durante cerca de 7-8 minutos ou até o garfo perfurar facilmente as batatas.
- Adicione ervilhas às batatas e cozinhe por mais 1 minuto ou até ficarem verdes brilhantes. Esvazie cuidadosamente as ervilhas e as batatas sem esmagar as ervilhas.
- Derreta manteiga na mesma panela e adicione batatas e ervilhas de volta à panela. Tempere com sal kosher e pimenta preta moída na hora. Polvilhe com endro, mexa suavemente para combinar e sirva imediatamente.