Salada Verde com Camarão, Beterraba, Pecans Doces e Queijo de Cabra

As saladas de inverno como esta estão sempre na estação graças à combinação sempre favorita de sabores de nozes pecã doces, beterrabas assadas e queijo de cabra que estão sempre prontos e disponíveis. E quando o camarão fresco grelhado é um topper, você acabou de fazer uma refeição inteira em uma tigela.
Este posto está em parceria com a DeLallo Foods
I love winter. I love the snow. I love the cocooning and snuggling and general laze winter allows us to justify. And while I’m still obsessively checking my Weather app and welcoming every prediction of snowfall as if it was the first of the season—thanks Punxsutawney Phil—I do have to admit I am missing myself some rays of warm sunshine. Here in Northern Utah the skies have either been weeping with snow, cloudy and gray, or seeped in a valley inversion ever since Christmas. And I have to admit, it’s starting to get to me. I’m not normally one to get the moody blues, not even a tinge of bebê blues, but I can tell that missing my source of Vitamin D (Mr. Sunshine) has been messing with my psyche. Lately I’ve been really good at keeping my head down and sort of numbly going through the motions while ignoring a lot of what else is going on around me. So if you haven’t received an e-mail back from me, fear not, you are not alone. But today, I’m ready to break the spell, even if the clouds aren’t ready to break around me. I’ve doled out my supply of supplements, I spent an extra 20 minutes on Giselle (and sadly finished the last episode of The Crown and it!) and I made my healthyish list of meal plans for the week. And that’s why I think today is the perfect time to share this bright winter salad with spring greens. This salad is an easy one to throw together for a quick weeknight dinner or to prep ahead for weekday lunch, especially if you find yourself lunching al desko. The only prep involved is cooking up your favorite size of shrimp (I’m a large to extra large shrimp kinda gal) that you can serve warm or cold, and then mixing up one of my favorite salad dressings. It’s a simple dressing of extra virgin olive oil, white balsamic vinegar, a bit of sugar or honey, and minced shallots. The flavor of the white balsamic lends a cleaner not quite as syrupy taste as the more well-known dark balsamic. The minced shallots add just the right amount of onion flavor and a little heat, that I love. I like to keep it simple, and easily transporatable or storageable (making up my own words now), and shake my dressing in a glass canning jar. The rest of the ingredients are so easy to keep on hand or take to work, especially when using DeLallo Salad Savors. Salad Savors come in multiple flavor combos, are pre-portioned, and are ready to add to any lunch or simple dinner time feast. Good salad eating—even in the midst of winter—really is this simple, and will surely take the blues right out of your day. Check out how it all comes together in the video below. Se você fizer esta receita, por favor me avise! Deixe um ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐⭐️️ nesta receita abaixo e deixe um comentário, tire uma foto e tag me on Instagram Instagram Pinterest Twitter

- 1 pacote DeLallo Tangy Salad Savors (, beterrabas marinadas, nozes pecans doces e queijo de cabra)
- Para a Salada
- Sal Kosher e pimenta preta moída na hora
- ou
- 1/3 copo de azeite virgem extra
- 2 colheres de chá de mostarda dijon
- 1/2 xícara de chá de beterraba marinada
- 1 colher de sopa de chalotas picadas
- 1/2 limão
- 12 camarões grandes (, descascados e desfiados com as caudas removidas)
- 1/4 de chávena de nozes pecã vidrada
- 1 colher de sopa de azeite virgem extra
- 2 colheres de sopa de queijo de cabra
- Para o curativo
- 1 colher de chá de mel ou açúcar
- 6 xícaras de alface de mistura de molas
- 2 colheres de sopa de vinagre balsâmico dourado
- Aqueça uma frigideira grande em lume médio-alto. Numa tigela pequena, adicione o camarão e regue com 1 colher de sopa de azeite e tempere com sal kosher e pimenta preta moída na hora. Cozinhe o camarão durante 2-3 minutos sem ser perturbado de cada lado ou até ficar dourado. Transfira para uma tigela e esprema o limão sobre o camarão e atire.
- Colocar as alfaces numa tigela grande e cobrir com o camarão, beterrabas, nozes pecã vidradas e polvilhar com o queijo de cabra. Regue com o molho e sirva.
- Para o curativo
- Adicione todos os ingredientes a uma tigela ou a um pequeno frasco equipado com uma tampa. Bata bem ou agite bem. Guardar na geladeira até estar pronto para usar.